I was waiting for you My name is all you need to get a glimpse of my personality Aria means air so I can keep the flame burning hotter or be the soothing breeze that brings you pleasure and peace of mind Let yourself be carried away and see for yourself how much I have to give bisou bisou
Turn Ons: I deeply enjoy all the pleasures of life wink dancing laughing kissing teasing double wink Who knows how many I m willing to give you It s always a surprise click on the yellow button to find out
Turn Offs: P S the key to all of me is respect Don t put out the fire by misbehaving capeesh can t wait to meet you
Age: 27 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: blue
Bust / Penis size: tiny
Gender: Lesbians
In Jan 2025, AriaAleena spent a total of 30 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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