Knowing my personality and passion is the most satisfying thing you can do We can have a great conversation and move on to an intimate fun and explosive moment I like to make my warm company feel in addition to my enormous passion The fact that I want to know every detail about you your pleasures your life your tastes Everything makes me unique I can be a hot boundless passionate skinny guy or a very pleasant and attentive conversationalist Are you ready to meet me
Turn Ons: People who turn me on in a respectful and polite way turn me on I also really like seeing the person on the other side of the screen that turns me on a lot and maybe hearing them moan would make me reach the perfect climax In addition to that I love the music of the 80s 70s and 90s They are times that although I did not live them I enjoy them I love all kinds of food and sweets
Turn Offs: Rude people annoy me I don t like to get to pleasure in a hurry I enjoy going little by little advancing and reaching the climax satisfactorily That makes the moments even more delicious
Age: 23 years old
Sexual preference: gay
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Male
In Jan 2025, AlanCyrus spent a total of 15 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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