Hey you yes you I am Orka I finished College with the course of Sexology Major in Sociology in Japan I love to discover something about sissy fa ggot and whor e sh i t here A man that can make me feel owning him and punishing him in the most wild way You better make your mouth wet and as s wet coz if i fuc k you I MEAN IT Swim on my sweet nectar cu m all day and experience being hum iliated only because you are weak and sh i t try me
Turn Ons: I am a jazz and soul music lover I love something that is happy meaniningful and sexy
Turn Offs: Heavy thurderstorm and lightning makes me so weak
Age: 31 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: black
Gender: Transsexual
In Dec 2024, Orka spent a total of 23 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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