Hello I m Robert a very young Latin boy very charismatic and always willing to give my best very noble and kind Latin to always please whatever is within my reach that can help please you love r
Turn Ons: I like a very hard sex I love enjoying a good company accompanied by a chocolate how rich have a very good conversation where we and I talk about and many more things
Turn Offs: That on a Monday you come and want to tell me things that I don 039 t like I believe a lot in my peace of mind and well my work depends on a lot of peace of mind so I wouldn 039 t like that
Age: 26 years old
Sexual preference: gay
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Male
In Jan 2025, RobertMillerr spent a total of 16 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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