I am A girl with a open mind a woman with attitude and a lady with class A combination of a sweet taste and a spicy will you join in here fiery and passionate I am looking for the right person that can make me burn with desire and turn me on
Turn Ons: I like men who know how to win a woman I like a mans neck I get very excited at the thought of how I can lick it to my partner love when we cum together I enjoy c2c shows
Turn Offs: There is one thing I dislike and that is you being rude without any reason Respect me and I will do the same
Age: 30 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: brown
Gender: Transsexual
In Jan 2025, CorinaSaraiba spent a total of 19 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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