I am a paragon of sophistication and grace perpetually grateful and content with every facet of my existence I continually endeavor to present the finest version of myself to others and hold the expectation of receiving the same in return I take great pride in my impeccable manners and cherish my flawless education You are cordially invited to draw nearer so we may blend our elevated energies for a time of spirited and impassioned company
Turn Ons: I have a passion for many fetishes and a lot of fantasies but I would love first of all to find out your wonderful manners and your gentle behavior
Turn Offs: I am appalled by individuals who fail to listen and understand yet readily resort to rudeness and disrespect
Age: 30 years old
Sexual preference: straight
Eye color: black
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Female
In Jan 2025, EleniaDevons spent a total of 23 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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