Hello my name is Alana you could spend all day talking about me but suffice it to say that I am your lover confidant teacher submissive friend or just the one you look up to when you need a pair of legs to clutter up your desk the right way appropriate
Turn Ons: One of my favorite things is to please you Know you on all your facets know how to appreciate each of my parts my legs my breasts and my mind Please is my great passion so I am here for you to have me and my attributes
Turn Offs: I do not like lies bad words and much less make fun of me behind my back
Age: 38 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: black
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Female
In Dec 2024, AlanaMonett spent a total of 3 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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