Hello everybody I m Chloe nice to meet you and I m sure i will be more than nice to meet you I will beacome easily the sweetest melody on those ears the start of a song that plays on and on something so soothing yo your soul I can be your lover I can be your friend I can be so many things A thing that I m sure about it it s that i will be your fantasy I m a strong woman who can easily become a puddle of emotions into the right arms I can say so many things about me but I better let you descover
Turn Ons: I love confident men loyality honesty and good jokes
Turn Offs: Beggers lies rudeness
Age: 25 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: blue
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Lesbians
In Dec 2024, ChloeKanne spent a total of 59 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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