What defines me is being confident in any circumstance I like good food I love traveling and seeing beautiful places always being respectful to receive the same treatment I believe that we are the mirror of the person in front of us we receive what we give I love eating fruits for breakfast it is something that cannot be missed I love a man who is honest and above all who is attentive and I can contribute 100 I do not distinguish between ages you are the one if you know what wanna
Turn Ons: My fetish is something out of the ordinary I love caressing my lower back while I urinate and it would be great to see someone else do it I could feel that glorious sensation it may be absurd but I enjoy it Maybe I m very sensitive to caresses
Turn Offs: rudeness
Age: 27 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Height: 165
Weight: 54
Ethnicity: Latin
Eye color: Chestnut
Gender: Female
In Jan 2025, JeynsCharm spent a total of 20 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on XLoveCam.
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