Hello It s my first time here Let s spend this time together and get to know each other better I hope we will find a common language
Turn Ons: Hello It s my first time here Let s spend this time together and get to know each other better I hope we will find a common language
Turn Offs: I don t like when they lie to me I don t like when people bully me and put me in an awkward position I don t like when it s raining outside I don t like when they write bad things to me but I love you because you re in my room
Age: 19 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: normal
Gender: Lesbians
In Dec 2024, MilaRichie spent a total of 31 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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