Hello I am Lia a girl passionate about life and the small pleasures it offers us If anything defines me it is my natural charisma and my ability to connect with people in an authentic way I have always been told that my smile is my best letter of introduction and I cannot deny it I love spreading joy
Turn Ons: Apart from my personal charm I am an inveterate lover of gastronomy There is no better plan for me than to discover new flavors or create dishes that awaken the senses Whether it s a gourmet dinner or something as simple as a good Italian pasta I enjoy every bite as if it were a unique experience accompanied by a good cocktail of course A Cosmopolitan a Margarita
Turn Offs: rude people who are a bit basic without any emotion in their lives because they lack respect for me and don t make me feel good
Age: 18 years old
Sexual preference: straight
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: normal
Gender: Lesbians
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