I am a calm woman although a little difficult to deal with but when a gentleman arrives who can make me lose my class I become passion fire sweetness and seduction I can feel desire and even love the moment we are together and have a happy ending
Turn Ons: knowing that my feet is the favorite part to take
dare ons of your screen and you have the desire to fill me with pleasure until a happy ending knowest step by step so hot to get to the best movements fondling hugging kissing looks have much to give your generous love and daring
Turn Offs: I am a lady of strong character there is so much off my sexual desire
Age: 25 years old
Sexual preference: I like to experiment a little, I am a pretty curious girl!!
Height: 170
Weight: 50
Ethnicity: Latin
Eye color: Black
Gender: Female
In Jan 2025, PaulinaNicolle spent a total of 19 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on XLoveCam.
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