Hello dear I ll tell you about myself here so that you have an understanding of me My name is Pamela I m 18 years old I live in Latvia and I really love meeting new people I hope here we can get to know each other more and if we can have some good fun believe me it s never boring with me
Turn Ons: I like to eat ice cream watch dramas TV series maybe sometimes films I like to engage in active recreation in my free time I like to go out with friends or meet new people I like warm weather the sea I really love going on vacation at the seaside I like foreign literature and history books I also love sympathetic and good people who will always support
Turn Offs: I don t like rudeness in people who perceive me as an object of hatred or something like that I HATE RAISINS I have a very bad attitude towards cheating in relationships and rude attitude towards girls I would really like there to be less evil in this world than good
Age: 18 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: grey
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Lesbians
In Dec 2024, LeilaAldridge spent a total of 86 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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