We are Luthien and Payton we fell madly in love from the moment we met at the witchcraft academy However our love was doomed by an ancient curse that prevented us from physically touching each other Learn the complete story in the album The Witches History
Turn Ons: Explore the limits of desire discover deep fetishes and fantasies be teachers and accomplices of lust We want you to join us on a journey of discovery and passion where love and exploration come together in a ritual of fire and desires
Turn Offs: Neophytes who are NOT willing to leave behind their fears and inhibitions unable to immerse themselves in the abyss of their own passion and curiosity
Age: 27 years old
Sexual preference: lesbian
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: normal
Gender: Lesbians
In Jan 2025, PaytonLuthien spent a total of 3 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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