I am a mature woman I live with intesity and I like make love same how I live I love the man company and attention To get my awards in fuck I have a lot of hunt teases They come in my bed because I am magnifique I atract them and is no way to run from my bed till you not make me cumm You are in my arrest between my legs and flower view
Turn Ons: I like very much to be watched by men and make them come and cumm I think I have this power and I like to use it at maximum level and in a lot of ways With me you are not bored The best time with me is in bed No way to escape
Turn Offs: I dont like to much teory I like put in practice and enjoy the men with men I like action
Age: 52 years old
Sexual preference: straight
Eye color: brown
Bust / Penis size: big
Gender: Lesbians
In Dec 2024, MilaMiluta spent a total of 22 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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