Hi I m Leila an 18-year-old girl from Romania I m a marketing student and a huge fan of Asian culture I love exploring new ideas and trends and I m always trying to bring a bit of that cultural flair into my life I play Valorant in my free time and I m really passionate about gaming It helps me unwind after a long day I m 158 cm tall and weigh about 45 kg I wear size 38 shoes my bra size is A and I m usually in XS dresses I might be petite but I feel like my personality is larger than life
Turn Ons: I really enjoy traveling and diving into new experiences Connecting with nature trying out new foods and meeting different people make me super happy Also I love spending time at amusement parks especially in the evening when everything is lit up
Turn Offs: One thing I really dislike is negativity I believe in surrounding myself with positive vibes so when someone is always complaining or being rude it just brings me down
Age: 18 years old
Sexual preference: bisexual
Eye color: blue
Bust / Penis size: tiny
Gender: Lesbians
In Jan 2025, LynetDaines spent a total of 9 hour(s) streaming in public, group, member or private chat on LiveJasmin.
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